(303) 223-6510 hello@fulcrumsaas.com

Increase conversion rates of paid traffic

Transform any web page into a personalized PPC landing page.

Increase conversion rates of paid traffic

Transform any web page into a personalized PPC landing page.

Fulcrum clients are averaging a 17% increase in Conversion Rate with Ad-to-landing page Personalization.

Dynamic Content

Optimize and change what page a user sees based on the ad clicked.

Increased Engagement

More relevant content helps drive clicks and Ad Quality Scores up.

Measured Impact

Prove how personalization increases conversions with A/B testing.

“Working with Fulcrum allowed us to fill the holes in our landing page strategy. We now optimize our content all the way down to the keyword and it’s been a game-changer for conversions!”

Stephanie G.
Marketing Director

“Working with Fulcrum allowed us to fill the holes in our landing page strategy. We now optimize our content all the way down to the keyword and it’s been a game-changer for conversions!”

Stephanie G.
Marketing Director

Scale your paid acquisition without a budget increase

Use Fulcrum to match your website with ad text and imagery and avoid the need to build endless landing pages.

Scale your paid acquisition without a budget increase

Use Fulcrum to match your website with ad text and imagery and avoid the need to build endless landing pages.

Connect Your Data

Install the Fulcrum snippet to start enriching your First-Party Data into usable personalization parameters.

Connect Your Data

Install the Fulcrum snippet to start enriching your First-Party Data into usable personalization parameters.

Choose an Audience

Review ad campaign performance, identify growth opportunities, and leverage UTM parameters to build a segment of users to target.

Choose an Audience

Review ad campaign performance, identify growth opportunities, and leverage UTM parameters to build a segment of users to target.

Personalize the Content

Change the website experience to more closely align with the text and imagery from the desired ad.

Personalize the Content

Change the website experience to more closely align with the text and imagery from the desired ad.

Measure Performance

Setup A/B tests and view real-time performance metrics that validate how the personalization compared to the control group.

Measure Performance

Setup A/B tests and view real-time performance metrics that validate how the personalization compared to the control group.

Contact us

Reach out to us and have a quick conversation to learn how Fulcrum can increase conversion for your business.

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